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Implementing a Workplace Reservation System: Timeline and Best Practices

So, you’ve started thinking about implementing a workplace reservation system to handle your post-COVID return to the workplace.

50% of US Executives plan to invest in hoteling applications

That’s a great decision because that software can help:

  • Follow guidelines like physically distancing workspaces, limiting capacity, and managing who comes in and out of the building
  • Employees keep up with each other, know who’s working where and when, and easily schedule meetings with the right people in the right rooms using interfaces they already know well
  • Create a touchless environment and manage sanitization of used workspaces
  • Provide answers to short- and long-term office space decisions with analytics, and inform you of who was where and when with contact tracing

I know you are sitting there thinking, “Tell me something I don’t know…”

Let’s say you found the perfect workplace reservation software for your company, what is the implementation process actually like? How long will it take? And what are some best practices for a seamless implementation and deployment?

Implementing your workplace reservation software timeline

Prepare yourself for a 2-month whirlwind. With your external project team, you’ll begin the 7-step, 6-week process. Don’t let it sound too daunting. Your team is here and ready to get your workplace and workforce to the next normal!

  1. Kick-off. You chose the best workplace reservation software for your company, now what? First, meet with your new project and onboarding team. Helpful documents will be shared and the timeline for getting this deployed to end-users will be created.
  2. Admin Training. Your administrative team will be pros at this material before long. Everything they need to understand the new technology will be presented to them, including live training webinars, step-by-step guides, recorded videos, etc.
  3. Prep & Data Collection. Now, the heavy lifting. This is when you pull together your floorplans, photos, locations, and user information. Plus, what policies and business rules should your platform include? What integrations does your company need? You’ll discuss this with your internal and external project teams and configure what’s best for your organization.
  4. Data Load & Configuration. With the documents pulled together and the rules and integrations mapped out, it’s time to load them into the platform!
  5. Readiness Assessment. While your project team tests and validates that everything is working properly, you’ll be working with them on the communication needed to get this out to end-users. This is the time to grab some user champions that can be trained ahead of time and help advocate and train the rest of the end users going forward.
  6. Deployment Prep. Almost there! Time to start the communication process. Communication to end-users should include resources to help them understand the platform, how to use it, the benefits, and the next steps. Get users oriented and understanding the platform and the benefits so they are eager and prepared to use it.
  7. Go-Live! Let’s hit it! Your workplace reservation system is now live to end-users and ready to take on workspace, meeting room, and equipment reservations. Your software project team will now take their bows and introduce you to your powerful new support team.

Best practices to follow when implementing and deploying your workplace reservation system

When you were researching to find the right workplace reservation system it wasn’t just about the platform but also the Customer Success team you’d get. Implementing the platform takes time but is straightforward. You’ll be provided the material and training you need to get your platform set up and ready for the end-user. However, getting user adoption of the new technology is a different story. There aren’t many people on this earth who just love change. And this is change. So, what best practices can you follow to communicate this change effectively?

  1. Start by thinking like an end-user and answering these questions: Why is this change happening? What’s in it for me?
  2. Then consider the expectations. How should end users use this platform? What will this platform do for your employees, management, and your company?
  3. From those answers, create a key message and share it 3-4 times with more detail in every message.
  4. Make sure the communication you send out can be replied to. Two-way communication is important for any change. Let employees share their questions, concerns, and feedback.
  5. Who will deliver these messages? Leadership? User champions? Make sure they are prepared with the content and the plan for delivery.
  6. Have a one-stop-shop for all communication and documentation regarding the workplace reservation system and include an easy link to it in all announcements going forward.
  7. Finally, determine the most effective way to reach your users with this information and training whether that’s emails, lunch & learn, training videos, etc. Be creative!

Your external project team will provide you with email examples and training content for your teams. It’s up to you to get the message across!

WRS implementation and best practices recap

To recap, in about 6 weeks, you’ll go through 7 steps and follow 7 best practices to ensure a seamless implementation and deployment of your workplace reservation software. You know your post-COVID, hybrid workplace needs a workplace reservation system to be efficient and productive, so why not start that process today?

See Tango Reserve by AgilQuest for yourself. Schedule a demo today.

If you’re in charge of the safe return, check out our guide to the post-COVID, hybrid workplace.