Make the most of your government offices
Whatever your workplace model, Tango’s FEDRAMP®-certified solutions help you maximize the efficiency of your government offices—so you can enhance productivity, optimize office space, and rightsize your portfolio.
Trusted by 71 Federal Agencies and More Than 40 State and Local Agencies
- What is FedRamp and What is Tango’s FedRamp Status?
- What is FedRAMP?
- What is the Canadian Supply Agreement, and what is Tango’s Status?
- GSA Multiple Award Schedule
- Using Tango to Comply with Mandates, Legislation, and Policies Affecting Federal Agency Workplaces
- What's the Big Picture? What Can Be Done?
Tango Is the Government’s Workplace Process Solution
Tango is the workplace management solution for your workplace, whether it’s managing real estate transactions and projects, administering and accounting for leases, enabling employees to book offices and conferences rooms, or engaging in space planning and management. Tango is FedRAMP authorized and provides this innovative, workplace management solution to enhance the Government’s Workforce Productivity and Workspace Optimization.
What Is FedRAMP® and What Is Tango’s FedRAMP Status?
Tango has a commitment to security, especially when our customers’ data is at stake. To prove this, Tango obtained FedRAMP® Authorization with the support of our partner, Moss Adams.
Read the Full Press Release Here
Government agencies can now use Tango’s workplace management software knowing that their data is always protected with enterprise-class security features and standards.
What Is FedRAMP®?
The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP®) is a government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services. All cloud service providers that hold federal data must be FedRAMP certified.
FedRAMP compliance empowers federal agencies to:
- use modern cloud technology that emphasizes security and protection of federal information so they can feel confident and safe,
- accelerate the adoption of secure, cloud solutions and save money using uniform assessments and authorizations, and
- create and preserve transparency between the government and cloud service providers.
You can find Tango’s listing on the FedRAMP Marketplace.
What Is the Canadian Supply Agreement, and What Is Tango’s Status?
Tango has established a Supply Arrangement for Software as a Service with the Government of Canada. This method of supply simplifies the procurement process for government entities for the entire suite of Tango products.
Canadian Federal departments and agencies can now access Tango through Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and the Tango Supply Arrangement.
PSPC, on behalf of the Government of Canada (GC), issued a Request for Supply Arrangement (RFSA) to establish a new method of supply to satisfy various Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) requirements for unclassified cloud requirements. As part of the Supply Arrangement, Tango is prequalified to meet the business needs of the GC.
Canadian government entities can now directly acquire Tango products without undergoing the traditional negotiation or procurement procedures. This translates to greater efficiency, reduced administrative burden, and faster deployment of Tango’s solutions to address a wide array of real estate and facilities challenges faced by government agencies.
GSA Multiple Award Schedule
Tango’s products, training, and services are available directly from Tango via the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS).
The General Services Administration’s MAS the government’s source for IT acquisitions. Government agencies can easily search through a list of pre-existing, pre-competed IT solutions saving both time and money.
Contract Number: GS-35F-470BA
View Tango’s MAS Detail on GSA e-Library
This advertisement is neither paid for nor sponsored, in whole or in part, by any element of the United States Government.
Using Tango to Comply With Mandates, Legislation, and Policies Affecting Federal Agency Workplaces
Government agencies have directives and requirements around telework and the workforce, real estate reduction and sustainability. Tango provides the SaaS platform necessary to execute the government’s mission critical Telework, Continuity of Operations and COVID Compliance processes, while measuring and optimizing its important efforts to cut costs through OMB’s Reduce the Footprint and carbon emissions through Zero Emissions Buildings directives.
Agencies leverage this mission critical solution to manage:
Telework & Flexibility. Manage and measure work from any location including WFH (work from home), the office, other Agencies, or coworking locations.
Reduce the Footprint. Optimize space usage based on the way people work, and ensure planning and day-to-day management meets the dynamic requirements of the new workforce.
- Zero Emission Buildings. Through actual utilization measurement, real estate reduction, and shared desk strategies, Agencies can reduce their office space, and thus reduce their Carbon Footprint by up to 50%.
What’s the Big Picture? What Can Be Done?
Improve Workplace Flexibility:
Measure the utilization of each desk in each location to provide the data for making the best decisions on how many desks and meeting rooms are needed where
Identify flexible work (telework and hoteling) candidates based on how often they work outside the office instead of inside
Shift workers, where appropriate, to telework and support those who are in the office on any given day with guaranteed desks, convenient meeting rooms and catering, and communication technology
Provide a network of space including coworking to accommodate workers when they need office space and in the location best suited to that day’s schedule and agenda
Enhance Telework:
Identify which workers are best suited telework to or who are already working outside the office often as mobile workers
Establish or expand the telework program to include as many workers as possible
Prepare or enhance the policies to support telework and the contracts to maintain performance and career paths
Train both managers and workers in how to succeed and thrive in the new distributed or remote work environment that is telework
Capture and accumulate data daily to manage productivity and readily report compliance to OMB
Measure how much real estate the agency has and how much of that is actually being used
Consolidate buildings and reduce the number of desks the agency needs by increasing the utilization of existing office space via alternative workplace arrangements and telework
Reduce the cost of energy required for heating, air conditioning, lighting, powering computers and monitors by reducing the number of buildings occupied and automatically turning off unneeded services based on how many workers are actually in the building on any given day
Improve Sustainability:
Reduce carbon footprint and energy consumption by reducing the number of buildings needed and the amount of space (desks and conference rooms) needed in the remaining buildings
Reduce carbon footprint and foreign oil dependence by increasing telework and thereby decreasing the number of commuters and the amount of traffic
Deliver power, lighting, and heating/air conditioning only to the areas of the buildings and the workspaces where workers are actually working on any given day
Provide Continuity of Operations (COOP):
Further develop and practice telework programs so workers can accomplish mission even when they cannot reach or access the office workplace
Distribute the location of space strategically to support workers across more than one building or campus and institutionalize the reservation or scheduling of desks and conference rooms to prepare the workforce for working from different locations during emergencies
Tie the delivery of phone calls to the physical location of each worker via an automated system that synchronizes with the reservation system, so calls are routed to where the worker is today regardless of location
Develop standards and policies common to every location to maintain productivity even when workers are “looking for a printer” or “where is the fax machine” in new facilities
Support Reinvestment and Recovery Legislation:
Renovate, transform, and consolidate Federal office space
Measure actual utilization of all office space, down to each workspace
Manage more modern and agile work styles and arrangements, attracting and retaining young talent
- Optimize desks and meeting rooms to increase utilization and eliminate vacancy