Modern Workplaces Require
Modern Solutions

Tango Reserve empowers the modern workplace by enabling individuals to easily find, share, and manage workspaces, meeting rooms, third-party venues, and equipment—while helping organizations make strategic decisions to optimize their space usage.

Future of Work

Office workers looking a computer

Tango Reserve gives employees the flexibility they need, while giving employers peace of mind by ensuring the workspace remains productive and safe.

Encourage Collaboration

Officer workers chatting to each other

Effortlessly track when and where your employees are working, allowing them to easily book nearby spaces with their coworkers or reserve a spot in specific areas designed to foster collaboration. 

Strategic Utilization Data

Capture real-time utilization and presence data to make informed decisions about how your space is used and what types of spaces you’ll need moving forward.

Trusted by workplace leaders in 60+ countries

American Red Cross
Northrop Grumman

Power the Future of Work
with Tango Reserve

Take your dynamic workplace to the next level with software that can empower choice, manage office resources, and provide utilization answers you need.  

  • Flexibility and control for the hybrid workplace 
  • Mobile-first, ease of use
  • Integrated advanced workplace analytics  
  • Integrates with Microsoft Exchange, Google Calendar, and more

Manage Your Workplace Strategies

Tango Reserve enables you to create a workplace that supports both flex and traditional employees, with features like hot desking or hoteling—all in one platform that manages all your resources.

Why Choose Tango

Great Alone, Better Together

Tango’s workplace solutions enable organizations to maximize the value of their corporate locations, while providing an environment that supports employee productivity and engagement.

We Make The Complex Simple

With deep expertise in technology, combined with a proven track record in implementation and support, we ensure your peace of mind. Tango brings the experience and knowledge to guide you through every phase of the process.

See what Tango's workplace booking solution can do for your organization